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Building New Resources for Area and International Studies

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Proposals A-Z

Participating librarians and scholars provide information here about collections, archives and data sets of interest to area and international studies (AIS) research, propose preservation of those collections and the creation of new digital resources from data sets, and vote on the merits of those proposals. Community input provided here informs and guides the building of new AIS resources.

Active Filters:
Sub-Saharan Africa


African Newspapers 1986-2015 Library of Congress - Nairobi

Library of Congress, Nairobi Office proposes for microfilming a collection of 96 African newspaper titles from 1986-2015 with an estimated 58,211 pages. Countries covered include Burundi, Comoros, Congo (Democratic Republic), Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, and Rwanda. The collection covers varied topics including business, politics, leisure and economics news that would greatly inform the intellectual debates of the period covered.

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Aug 18, 2021 3:24pm

African Newspapers 1992-2016 from the Library of Congress Nairobi Office. Part 3

Library of Congress, Nairobi Office proposes for microfilming a collection of 38 African newspaper titles (approximately 6,600 pages) distributed among 10 countries including: Botswana, Cameroon, Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, Reunion, Rwanda and Tanzania. Most of the titles were part of an earlier proposal submitted to CRL during November 2020 meeting

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Apr 8, 2021 3:17pm

While CRL makes every effort to verify statements made herein, the opinions expressed and evaluative information provided here represent the considered viewpoints of individual librarians and specialists at CRL and in the CRL community.  They do not necessarily reflect the views of CRL management, its board, and/or its officers.