TabbedDescription & RationaleMicrofilming of a daily French-language Saudi-owned Moroccan newspaper. It was founded on 1 November 1971, as a replacement of pro-colonial daily le Petit Marocain, whose publisher Mas Presse was seized and given to the cousin of Hassan II and his minister of communication Moulay Hafid Alaoui. Reasons for consideration: No preservation microfilm of this title found. Author(s): n/aPublisher(s): La Société Maroc Soir - Le MatinSource Format: PaperTarget Format: MicrofilmProgram: MEMPResource Types: NewspapersRegions: Middle East and North AfricaCountries of Origin: MoroccoProposal Contributors: Esmeralda Kale, Northwestern University Posted: Oct 29, 2018 3:58pmUpdated: Nov 19, 2018 6:13pm Source DetailsMajor Languages: FrenchHolding Institutions: Northwestern UniversityOCLC: 960458302Source and Holdings: LocationFormatHoldings/Range Northwestern UniversitynewsprintJuly 1982-October 1998 Physical Details: Deteriorating newsprint Existing Reformatted Materials: The Library of Congress holds the following dates on microfilm: Oct. 1, 1973-Dec. 31, 1973 2012:Jan.1-2012:Dec.31/2013:Jan.1 Activity StatusCurrentDescription FlaggednoThe proposal is flagged for further research. VettednoThe proposal has been examined and vetted. BallottednoThe proposal is currently on a committee ballot. ApprovednoThe proposal has been selected for reformatting. Reformatting efforts are pending. ReformattednoThe proposal has been reformatted and access information is now posted. Inactive / DeclinedyesNo longer under consideration for reformatting. Print