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Proposals A-Z

Participating librarians and scholars provide information here about collections, archives and data sets of interest to area and international studies (AIS) research, propose preservation of those collections and the creation of new digital resources from data sets, and vote on the merits of those proposals. Community input provided here informs and guides the building of new AIS resources.

Active Filters:
GCI Latin America
Latin America and Caribbean


Benson Collection of Serials on Microform

Microfilmed collection of 600 serials from across Latin America, from the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, including government publications and other serials published primarily between 1821 and 1982. The rare and endangered titles were originally captured on microfilm during the early1980s through a U.S. Department of Education Title II-C grant. The Benson Library created archival-quality master negatives, but was unable make these accessible until print masters and catalog records could be created. The LAMP effort supported the duplication of film, which included a copy to be held at the Center for Research Libraries, and Texas supported the cataloging of the resources. This eight-year effort added approximately 900 reels of microfilm to LAMP’s collection....

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Oct 2, 2018 3:21pm


DLOC Caribbean Periodicals

On behalf of the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC), Florida International University proposes to digitize 178 issues of four Caribbean Periodicals: Carteles, Habana Yacht Club (H.Y.C.), Miramar Yacht Club, and Savacou. The project will be carried out with dLOC partners: the University of the West Indies (Mona, Jamaica), the University of Florida, and additionally, the Florida International University Libraries Special Collections Department. FIU and UWI hold the actual copies of the periodicals which are in fragile condition. The project seeks to preserve them.

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Jun 19, 2018 4:05pm


Latin American serials held by Linda Hall Library and CRL

First announced in 2016, the CRL/LHL Global Resources Partnership in Science, Technology and Engineering targets historical, pre-1950s serial titles identified as being of high value for historical research. The project combines partial runs of titles held by the two organizations, prioritized by subject (as informed by strengths declared in the partnership Collection Management Policies), and clustered around specific themes or subjects.

In the coming year, the list of titles for potential inclusion include serials published in Latin America about a variety of scientific...

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Mar 1, 2019 2:34pm


Publicaciones Políticas y Culturales Argentinas c. 1900-1950

Publicaciones Políticas y Culturales Argentinas (C. 1900-1950). Microfilmed by LAMP in cooperation with Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en la Argentina (CeDInCI), the collection comprises printed materials issued by the political left and anarchist movements in Argentina from the early to mid-twentieth century, including periodicals, books, pamphlets, flyers, and other publications of communist, socialist, anti-fascist, and other leftist groups.

Materials on the microfilm set (also called Serie 2) are organized into six thematic units: 

Publicaciones del Bureau Sudamericano de la Internacional Comunista (1926-1935) Revistas Político-Culturales orgánicas del Partido Comunista (1933-1938) ...
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Jan 14, 2019 3:19pm


West India Committee Circular

Official organ of the West India Committee. Published in London fortnightly. Deals with West Indian affairs generally (economic conditions, travel and description), but especially the interests of the West India Committee (sugar trade, shipping, trade statistics, etc.).

Published   v. 1-74; 1886?-1958

(continued by Chronicle of the West Indies Committee)

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Jan 14, 2019 5:13pm

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