Proposals A-Z
Participating librarians and scholars provide information here about collections, archives and data sets of interest to area and international studies (AIS) research, propose preservation of those collections and the creation of new digital resources from data sets, and vote on the merits of those proposals. Community input provided here informs and guides the building of new AIS resources.
CLASCO (Latin American Council of Social Sciences) Open Access Book Project
LARRP endorsed the CLACSO (Latin American Council of Social Sciences) Open Access Book Project in 2015. The goal of the pilot project was to identify a quality-controlled collection of open access books in order to explore services for libraries in the areas of hosting, deposit, quality assurance, dissemination and digital preservation.
In year one a collaborative investment made by seven research libraries made it possible to process the 2018 and 2019 CLACSO OA Books for full discovery via Books@JSTOR. In year two a collaborative investment by 10 research libraries made it possible to process the 2020 and selected 2021 CLACSO OA Books. JSTOR provides metadata and full text for these titles to ProQuest Summon; Ex Libris Primo and Alma; EBSCO Discovery Service; and OCLC...
Cuban-American Radionovelas in the Louis J. Boeri and Minin Bujones Collection
160 reel-to-reel audio tapes selected from the Louis J. Boeri and Minín Bujones Collection of Cuban Radionovelas housed at the Latin American Library at Tulane University will be converted from analog to digital format. They will then be hosted on Tulane's Digital Library. These materials are among the more than 9,100 masters of recordings of radio programs produced and broadcasted by America’s Production Inc. out of Miami during the 1960s. They constitute a unique research resource that is currently trapped on aging, unstable audio tapes with moderate to severe condition issues and inaccessible due to a lack of functioning playback equipment.
Digital Collections for Latin American and U.S. Latino Spanish Language Research Phase 2
This 12 month project will complete the most significant remaining portion of a current LARRP-supported transcription project that was impeded significantly by the events of 2020 and additional challenges with visa and immigration-related issues for a key project team member.
Illuminating the Lloyd Best Archive in Trinidad and Tobago
The Lloyd Best Institute of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago is partnering with Trinity College in Hartford to digitize the Lloyd Best Archive, preserve it according to OAIS standards, and make it accessible. The collection consists of newspapers, research papers, correspondence (personal and professional), hand-written notes in copybooks, speeches, flyers, pamphlets, consultancy reports.
Lloyd Best was a Caribbean man and an economist by training. Best spent his life trying to understand, develop, and integrate the Caribbean. His thinking, writing, teaching, publishing, organising, and political activity were all devoted to these ends. This project seeks to make his work available to a wider audience while preserving his rich contributions to Caribbean history, thought...
Panteon Pineros de Mexicali (1919-1959)
The project would like to digitize 147 burial files from the years 1919 to 1959. These 147 files are approximately equivalent to 7,000 documents containing data on death, origin, nationality, marital status,among other data of the buried subject. Currently the documents of the Historical Archive are protected and not accessible to the public.
Spanish Sociolinguistic Research Collection, 1978-1992
The project includes two online digital collections of audio recordings of Spanish sociolinguistic corpora from Santiago, Chile, and Southern California from the late 1970s and the early 1990s. The recordings, which total 156 hours, were created by University of Southern California professor emerita of Spanish, Portuguese, and linguistics Carmen Silva-Corvalán. They were recorded on original audiocassettes—the majority of which are now nearly 40 years old—and include: 1) 93 hours of recordings from 49 Spanish speakers in Santiago, Chile, during 1978 and 1992; 2) 42 hours of Spanish-language recordings from 47 Mexican-American speakers from various age groups in Southern California in 1976; and 3) 21 hours including much code-switching between Spanish and English by 16...
State of Baja California Human Rights Commission Archives Case Digitization Project Phase 2B and/or 3
These cases hold information on the types of abuses that were filed during that time along the Baja California/California border. The data in these cases, many of which were terminated, closed, or dismissed before full investigations were completed, will provide a snapshot of the region for border scholars and historians alike. The goal of this project is to eventually make all of these older cases available for research and data mining online via DigitaIUSD, USD’s Institutional Repository. This proposal asks for funding for Phase 2B to redact the digitized cases and Phase 3 to apply metadata for eventual ingesting into the repository.
Venezuela and The Turbulent 1960s - Presidential Archive of Raúl Leoni
The Presidential Archive of Raúl Leoni is a collection of personal papers and official documents that is in urgent need of digitization in order to make them more easily accessible to scholars and the community. To this end, the Fundación Red Historia Digital Venezolana (or Venezuela History Network) and the Fundación Raúl y Menca Leoni have been working together on the development of a digital repository for these documents in order to preserve this invaluable cache of cultural heritage. We propose to digitize the entire archive, generate the corresponding metadata for each document at the item level, and promote the archive’s content online through the creation of an open-access repository hosted by the Venezuela History Network website. All members of the team proposed in this...
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