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Proposals A-Z

Participating librarians and scholars provide information here about collections, archives and data sets of interest to area and international studies (AIS) research, propose preservation of those collections and the creation of new digital resources from data sets, and vote on the merits of those proposals. Community input provided here informs and guides the building of new AIS resources.

Active Filters:
Latin America and Caribbean
GCI Latin America


Benson Collection of Serials on Microform

Microfilmed collection of 600 serials from across Latin America, from the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, including government publications and other serials published primarily between 1821 and 1982. The rare and endangered titles were originally captured on microfilm during the early1980s through a U.S. Department of Education Title II-C grant. The Benson Library created archival-quality master negatives, but was unable make these accessible until print masters and catalog records could be created. The LAMP effort supported the duplication of film, which included a copy to be held at the Center for Research Libraries, and Texas supported the cataloging of the resources. This eight-year effort added approximately 900 reels of microfilm to LAMP’s collection....

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Oct 2, 2018 3:21pm


Caribbean Archives from Institute of Commonwealth Studies

Caribbean archives and special collections from the University of London's Institute of Commonwealth Studies library: strong holdings on West Indian plantation life and more modern organizational archives such as that of the Caribbean Banana Exporters’ Association (ICS 148).

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Jan 14, 2019 3:01pm


Latin American Census Publications

International Population Census Publications for Latin America and the Caribbean, 1990-2005. Printed volumes of Latin American tabular data, held by the U.S. Census Bureau International Library (subset of larger, comprehensive collection held by the Census Bureau), per Lara Cleveland at IPUMS.

The Census Bureau participates in an international publication exchange with counterpart national statistical agencies, a program that has contributed many publications within the Bureau's International Collection. The Bureau's International Collection began growing substantially with the Census Bureau’s increased international analytical and technical assistance activities in the post-World War II years. The entire collection was cataloged at the turn of the...

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Jun 28, 2018 4:19pm

Latin American Pamphlets from Senate House Library

The Senate House Library of the University of London holds 680 pamphlets that "are under an exclusive licence to an online publisher until 2022" but an additional 3,000 or so covering the whole continent, mainly from the 1970s but extending from the 60s to the early 80s, all political/radical or relating to protest movements. 

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Sep 24, 2018 11:40am


Municipal and Parochial Archives of the States of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 1599-1972

Digitization of 4,375 microfilm rolls of archival material from the municipal and parochial archives of the Mexican states of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon held in the collection of Trinity University. 

The original documents of the date from 1599 through 1972, and are contained on 4,375 microfilm reels (totalling over 6.5 million pages of primary research material) preserved from one archival collection in Coahuila and 47 collections in Nuevo Leon. The parochial archives contain documentation of baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials, and more; whereas the municipal archives contain documents that reflect the many functions of the municipal government (including correspondence, financial account informtion, property records, civil registers, birth/death and...

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May 29, 2018 3:57pm


Official gazettes from Guatemala

Foreign official gazettes published in Guatemala 1871 - 1972. Includes the title El Guatemalteco. Diario oficial de la Republica de Guatemala. CRL holdings include: 

Microfilm: Mar. 4, 1841-June 25, 1871 Print: Vol. 80-81 no. 100 May 4-Dec. 23, 1914; Vol. 83-88 May 21, 1915-Sept 6, 1917; Vol. 90-128 Mar. 9, 1918-1930 Microfilm: June 8, 1950-Apr. 4, 1957 Microfilm 1957-1970 Microfilm: 1971-Aug., 1972

Continued by Diario de Centro America. Imprint: Guatemala (pub. Aug., 1972-) CRL holdings include:

Microfilm:  Aug., 1972-1984 Microfilm: 1971-1976 Microfilm;: 1985-Oct. 29, 1993 (lack 1990: Apr. 12-15, July 14-15, Sept. 1-2; 1992:...
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Jan 14, 2019 2:57pm


South Pacific Mail

Title:    The South Pacific mail. Publication:    Valparaíso [Chile : s.n.] Place:    Chile; Santiago.; Chile; Valparaíso. Year:    1909-1965? Description:    Began Nov. 6, 1909.; v. : ill. ; 31-45 cm. Language:    English Standard No:    National Library: 1054570-0; 01586300X; LCCN: sn 89-33273 Preceding Title:    Chilean times Accession No:    OCLC: 2267930

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Jun 22, 2018 3:18pm


A Tarde (Salvador, Brazil)

The primary newspaper in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil. The central library of Bahia has digital access to the archive from the paper’s beginning in 1912 through the early 2000’s.

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From Digital
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Jun 25, 2019 12:43pm


West India Committee Archives

ICS Reference    M915 Date    circa 1769-1924 Creator    West India Committee

Scope and Content Includes minutes of meetings of the West India Committee and sub-committees, 1769-1924; minutes of the British and Colonial Anti-Bounty Association, 1887-1890; note books and letter books of Edwin Fitzpatrick, John F. Alleyne, Robert Reece, Thomas D. Hills, William D. Bruce.

Extent    16 reels of microfilm Catalogued to item level.  A pdf version is available via record description at:


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Jan 14, 2019 2:30pm

West India Committee Circular

Official organ of the West India Committee. Published in London fortnightly. Deals with West Indian affairs generally (economic conditions, travel and description), but especially the interests of the West India Committee (sugar trade, shipping, trade statistics, etc.).

Published   v. 1-74; 1886?-1958

(continued by Chronicle of the West Indies Committee)

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Jan 14, 2019 5:13pm

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