TabbedDescription & RationaleCRL/SEEMP has approved a charitable contribution (as defined by article 582 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) for the maintenance of Regional Civic Institute Research and Information Center Memorial. Reasons for consideration: This material could be lost if its not captured. Author(s): MemorialSource Format: PaperTarget Format: DigitalProgram: SEEMPResource Types: Archival materialsRegions: Central and Eastern EuropeCountries of Origin: RussiaPosted: Nov 29, 2022 1:45pmUpdated: Nov 29, 2022 1:47pm Source DetailsMajor Languages: RussianHolding Institutions: CRL Activity StatusCurrentDescription FlaggedyesThe proposal is flagged for further research. VettedyesThe proposal has been examined and vetted. BallottednoThe proposal is currently on a committee ballot. ApprovedyesThe proposal has been selected for reformatting. Reformatting efforts are pending. ReformattednoThe proposal has been reformatted and access information is now posted. Inactive / DeclinednoNo longer under consideration for reformatting. Print