TabbedDescription & RationaleSets of papers speeches and statement from NLD in Burma during important period of 1990s democracy movement. Numerous stapled reports some of which are titled. Some are undated, but from mid 2000’s. Reasons for consideration: Important contribution to understanding of the NLD during the 1990s 2000s in Myanmar. Publisher(s): National League for DemocracySource Format: PaperTarget Format: MicrofilmProgram: SEAMResource Types: Archival materialsRegions: Southeast AsiaCountries of Origin: MyanmarProposal Contributors: Library of Congres, Jakarta Posted: Feb 4, 2022 3:36pmUpdated: Mar 22, 2022 11:10pm Activity StatusCurrentDescription FlaggednoThe proposal is flagged for further research. VettednoThe proposal has been examined and vetted. BallottednoThe proposal is currently on a committee ballot. ApprovedyesThe proposal has been selected for reformatting. Reformatting efforts are pending. ReformattednoThe proposal has been reformatted and access information is now posted. Inactive / DeclinednoNo longer under consideration for reformatting. Print