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Proposals A-Z

Participating librarians and scholars provide information here about collections, archives and data sets of interest to area and international studies (AIS) research, propose preservation of those collections and the creation of new digital resources from data sets, and vote on the merits of those proposals. Community input provided here informs and guides the building of new AIS resources.

Active Filters:


The Era of Mexican Liberal Reform and French Intervention in the Genaro Garcia Collection

This project will digitize, to develop metadata, and make openly accessible items from the Genaro García Collection related to the area of liberal reform and French intervention in Mexico (1855-72). This will help us further highlight the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection’s foundational Genaro García Collection ahead of the Benson’s centennial celebration in 2021 while creating a discrete, thematic set of documents for use by researchers, undergraduates, and digital scholarship. We request funding for an undergraduate digitization assistant, a graduate student to create metadata, and basic supplies related to scanning as well as transport and storage of materials between the Benson Latin American Collection and the Perry-Castañeda Library.

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Sep 11, 2019 2:36pm


Fantoches (Caracas, Venezuela)

Reformatting of the Venezuelan journal Fantoches (May 6, 1924 - April 20, 1927).

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Sep 11, 2019 2:20pm


Memoria Abierta La historia de las luchas contra la desaparición de personas a través del archivo de la Federación Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos


Este proyecto pretende facilitar la comprensión de los efectos de los pasados violentos en América Latina durante las décadas de 1970 y 1980, en especial en lo referente a la desaparición forzada, así como las luchas encabezadas por las organizaciones de familiares de víctimas para visibilizar, juzgar y prevenir este crimen, a través de los documentos de la Federación Latinoamericana de Asociaciones de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos (FEDEFAM). Memoria Abierta fue convocada por FEDEFAM para trasladar su archivo institucional desde la que fuera su sede institucional en Caracas, Venezuela, a Buenos Aires para luego clasificar, ordenar, describir, preservar físicamente, digitalizar y disponer para el acceso en línea el acervo documental de la Federación....

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Feb 20, 2023 1:03pm

Memory and Cultural Identities: The Newspapers and Historical Documents of Southern Patagonia, Part II

In Southern Patagonia local media, especially newspapers, played a fundamental role in the formation of regional identity. In the early twentieth century the growth of cattle ranching in the south of the country fostered the conditions needed for the growth of an extensive publishing industry particularly in newspapers and periodicals. Local elites founded numerous newspaper outlets whose primary purpose was to defend local interests but also with the intent to define regional identity. Many publications were devoted to the struggle between liberal and conservative ideologies, but ultimately the success of these enterprises depended on how well they were able to represent the interests and needs of the local elite. Local newspapers became a central mechanism in the region for imposing...

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Jun 4, 2021 11:06am

Mercurio (Santiago, Chile)

The proposed project aims to fill in the missing microfilm holdings of Mercurio at CRL.

The project would microfilm newspaper holdings from the University of California, Berkeley:

Nov. 1 - Dec. 15, 1991 Nov. 1 - Dec. 31, 1997
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Sep 11, 2019 2:21pm

Monographs of Cuban Heritage for Public Access

The George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida, in partnership with the Davis Library at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, request funding to digitize approximately 70,000 pages of Latin American and Caribbean content including approximately 307 titles, including 42 rare Cuban monograph titles held at the Universities of Florida and North Carolina.

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Jun 4, 2021 11:05am


Preserving Afro-Brazilian History: Abdias do Nascimento

This project continues the ongoing work, supported by CRL, of organizing and preparing the documents held in the IPEAFRO collection for microfilm and, in partnership with the National Library of Brazil, producing the microfilms. To date, IPEAFRO has delivered a total of 108 films (54 negative and 54 positive) to LAMP through the Library of Congress office at the U.S. Consulate in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil’s National Archive digitized part of the collection, and IPEAFRO has made digitized documents available to the public on its website.

The collection is divided into five sections: Black Experimental Theater Section, Black Arts Museum Section, Abdias Nascimento Political Activity Section, Abdias Nascimento Biography and Intellectual Work Section, and IPEAFRO Section. Two...

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Sep 11, 2019 3:41pm


Venezuela and The Turbulent 1960s - Presidential Archive of Raúl Leoni

The Presidential Archive of Raúl Leoni is a collection of personal papers and official documents that is in urgent need of digitization in order to make them more easily accessible to scholars and the community. To this end, the Fundación Red Historia Digital Venezolana (or Venezuela History Network) and the Fundación Raúl y Menca Leoni have been working together on the development of a digital repository for these documents in order to preserve this invaluable cache of cultural heritage. We propose to digitize the entire archive, generate the corresponding metadata for each document at the item level, and promote the archive’s content online through the creation of an open-access repository hosted by the Venezuela History Network website. All members of the team proposed in this...

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Aug 1, 2023 4:06pm

While CRL makes every effort to verify statements made herein, the opinions expressed and evaluative information provided here represent the considered viewpoints of individual librarians and specialists at CRL and in the CRL community.  They do not necessarily reflect the views of CRL management, its board, and/or its officers.